Han Yang is a visual artist, fine art photographer and creative director. Han graduated with distinction from MA Fashion Photography at London college of Fashion, University of the Arts London. Currently she is studying for a PhD in arts and humanities faculty at Kings College London. The majority of her artistic works centre on themes of femininity, the human body, gender, and technology and are visually represented through the use of oriental metaphors. The present research conducted by the individual focuses on posthuman studies, specifically examining gender within photography from a nonhuman perspective. Combined with abstract and surreal elements, her work has strong visual appeal, rich and delicate emotions. She grasps at emotion and psychology in her work, embodying the inner world of the characters she depicts through unique fashion visual language. She has won SONY young photographer award, Nikon Cup, Qaidam Cup and Gold Award in World’s Top 10 Women Photographers Contest.


07/2024 Fetish Animals」, Integration. London Contemporary Art Exhibition. MP Birla Millennium Gallery. London, United Kingdom

06/2024 Fetish Animals, Toolip International Art Contest. Toolip Art Gallery. Budapest, Hungary

02/2024 The Global SinoPhoto Awards 2024. Christies Gallery. London, United Kingdom

12/2023 Dancing with Light: PHOTOWORLD Special Exhibition. Lianzhou International Photography Festival. China

12/2023「Reflections of Multi-selves」. Culture, Media & Creative Industries (CMCI) Winter Festival. London, United Kingdom

11/2023「INTERFAITH」exhibition. The Holy Art Gallery. London, United Kingdom

11/2023 Lens Culture Art Photography Awards 2024 Competition Gallery. Online

10/2023 Pop Up Exhibition. Tones Gallery. London, United Kingdom

08/2022 Lens Culture Summer Open 2022 Competition Gallery. Online

01/2021 Lens Culture Portrait Awards 2021 Competition Gallery. Online

09/2020「Invisible」Exhibited at SHANGHAI International Photography Festival

09/2020 Fashion Beijing International Photography Exhibition

08/2020「Encounter Future」Online Exhibited at VIRTUAL DESIGN WEEK

03/2020 Haze Gallery, London, United Kingdom

03/2020 OXO Gallery, London, United Kingdom

12/2019 Bloomsbury Gallery, London, United Kingdom

10/2019 Exhibited at the Fashion Beijing International Photography Exhibition, Beijing, China

09/2019 The Fourth Photography Exhibition of World Overseas, Chinese, Beijing, China

08/2019 CHINA PHOTO ALMANAC, Beijing, China

08/2019 Exhibition in 2019 Labelhood Youthpia Youth Fashion & Arts Festival, Shanghai, China

01/2018 Completed in the photography Narrative and Photo Editing workshop from Information Resources Department of CFLAC Photographic Art Center

01/2017 Participants of Crossover: Art and Photography Chinese Photographers Society Workshop for the Middle-aged and Young Personnel

05/2015 Participated in the Urban Image Exhibition project of the 11th International Cultural Industry Fair


2024 Finalist, 2024 Portrait Photo Award, Theindependentphoto

2023 Gold Award, Rank 1, Winner in United Kingdom Category. Worlds Top 10 Women Photographers Contest, One Eyeland

2023 Winner - Constructed Photography Single Images. Global SinoPhoto Award

2019 Excellence Awarded of the Worlds Top 10 Fashion Photographers 2019 in One Eyeland Photo contest

2019 Excellence Awarded of the SONY Young Photographer

2019 Blue Heart creative warded of 「The Fourth Photography Exhibition of Word Overseas Chinese」

2018 Excellent warded of「Nikon Cup」national youth into the exhibition of works of photography

2014 Awarded the Best Friend by Womens Newspaper Magazine Agency

2013 Excellence Award of the Portrait Team for the Qaidam Cup


Art and Woman, China Photography Magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, UK Vanity Fair, Hong Kong BAZAAR, Lucys Magazine, The Pink Prince, LOfficie Magazine, Ellements Magazine, The Surreal Magazine, HUF Magazine, British Thoughs, Dreamingless Magazine, Picton Magazine, Elegant Magazine, British Thoughts, SHEER Magazine, SCHON! Magazine, Sicky Magazine, Overdue Magazine


Barbagelata Contemporary Art Foundation


Al-Tiba9 Contemporary Art


Winner of the GSPA 2024 Constructed Photography











Distinction(卓越)的成绩毕业艺术大学影研究生专业, 当前在伦敦国王学院攻读人文与艺术的博士学位合抽象和超现实格,她的作品具有烈的视觉力以及丰富细腻的情感表达。 在她的作品中,她擅把握人物的情感和情,并光影有着自己独特的解,通独特的视觉语言体人物内心的世界。她的作品荣「尼康杯」「柴达杯」广告人像,入「索尼青年目」,并在ONE EYELAND影比中取得UK第一的成。其作品刊登于国内及国外多家知名影及人像志。

2024. 07 「恋物性动物」,融汇.伦敦当代艺术展,MP Birla Millennium 画廊,英国伦敦
2024. 06

2024. 02  华人境界2024,佳士得画廊,英国伦敦

2023. 12 「与光共舞」摄影世界,连州国际摄影节,中国连州

2023. 12 「多重反思」文化,媒体与创意领域CMCI冬令节,英国伦敦

2023. 11 「跨信仰」,Holy Art画廊,英国伦敦

2023. 11   Lensculture, 艺术摄影竞赛画廊,线上展

2023. 10  Pop Up, Tones 画廊,英国伦敦

2022. 08  Lensculture, 夏日开放日摄影竞赛画廊,线上展

2021. 08 Lensculture, 人像摄影竞赛画廊,线上展

2020. 08「隐喻」上海国际摄影节,中国上海

2020. 08「蓝心」北京国际时尚摄影节,中国北京

2020. 08「邂逅未来」虚拟设计周,线上展

2020. 03「隐喻」,Haze 画廊, 德国柏林

2020. 03「隐喻」,OXO 画廊,英国伦敦

2019. 12 Bloomsbury 画廊,英国伦敦

2019. 12 入选索尼年摄影项目

2019. 10 北京国际时尚影像展;

2019. 08 世界华侨华人摄影展,中国北京

2019. 08 吆桃青年学⽣时尚艺术展;

2018. 01 参与CFLAC摄影艺术中心举办的摄影叙事及照片编辑工作坊;

2017. 01 被邀参与中国摄影协会举办的中国青年人才培训班: 艺术与摄影的跨界;

2015. 05 参与第一届国际文化博览会城市影像展;

获 奖



2023年 One Eyeland 摄影「世界大女性摄影师」,金奖

2023年「华人境界」摄影赛, 摄影建构单项奖

2019One Eyeland 摄影赛 「世界顶级大时尚摄影师」 英国第;

2019年 SONY 青年摄影师奖励;

2019年 第四届中国华人摄影奖创意奖;

2018年 获得「尼康杯」青年摄影师优秀奖;


2013年 获得数码杂志「柴达木」杯摄影赛优秀奖;


Wechat: yanghanphoto

Instagram: yanghanphoto

Email: yanghan119@gmail.com

Web : www.yanghan-photo.com

Copyright © 2024 YANG HAN Photography All Rights Reserved.